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How to create Surface AR campaign

You are ready to build your first Surface AR campaign. Follow the below steps to build your first AR campaign within minutes. Go to the central dashboard (after you logi, you land up here) and click on any of the buttons - Create AR Campaign or Add New Campaign.

1. Provide a name for your campaign. Please remember not to use any space, dash, underscore or special character within the campaign name. 

As a security first model, we provide a  SSL certificate for each of your campaigns to safeguard it against any security vulnerabilities. Adding any unwanted character within the campaign name will stop the global certificate authority to approve the request to sponsor a SSL certificate (for trust based rules). This means you'll still be allowed to run the campaign with HTTP but not with HTTPS.


2. Upload your 3D model. For Surface AR only, you need to upload two different types of 3D models:

- For Android: GLB format
- For iOS: USDZ format

Both the 3D extension are extremely lighweight and most importantly comes as a single package.
If you have both types of 3D models, upload them and create the campaign.

If you only have GLB model - you can create a Surface AR campaign too. See below.


3. Once you hit the Create AR Campaign button, the campaign is generally ready within few seconds.

You can test it by trying http://<your_campaign> on any browser.
It'll open but without SSL security (no HTTPS).

If you want to run with https, you'll see the following error:
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

New Surface AR campaign can take up to 2 minute to get started with SSL certificate

Let's Encrypt Global Certificate Authority can take up to two minutes to discover your new campaign and assign a SSL certificate to it. So please wait up to two minutes to get your campaign ready with HTTPS enabled. After two minutes, if you try https://<your_campaign> - it'll work just fine.

More Queries about Surface AR:

Q: I have a 3D GLB model only and no USDZ format available - Can I build a Surface AR campaign?


A: Yes, with Marvin XR, you can do it. It allows to build a Surface AR campaign only with GLB model which can work both with Android and iOS formats. Marvin XR auto-converts it for the iOS usage - cool isn't it?

How to do that?

Build a campaign and only upload the GLB 3D model. You can skip uploading anything to the USDZ section.

Create the campaign, click on the campaign card View Details and go to its Web Editor menu.


Edit the AR campaign HTML view and find the model-viewer tag inside. 

Find the tag inside ios-src and change it's name to ios-src-disabled and click on Save button.

Now you can view the model in WebAR both from Android and iOS.


Please note that for Animated 3D models, the above steps will not work.

For animated models, you need to upload both GLB and USDZ while creating Surface AR campaigns. Otherwise the default conversion will still convert GLB into basic USDZ - but it'll lose the animated texture. 

This means the animation can be viewed in Android but iOS users will view a static version of the 3D model.