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Power Tools


Power Up Your 3D & AR Game

You want to step up with 3D ecommerce business and signed up to Marvin XR to produce awesome WebAR based virtual try-ons. But you need so many products to turn into 3D models and you don't know where to begin with. We understand your challenges and the new Power Tool section has introduced a bunch of tools and platforms to solve your problems.

Sketchfab:  It's the biggest online marketplace with more than 5 million 3D models available. You can download them for free, buy exclusive models or contact 3D artists to build custom ones. 

Blender: It's a free and open-source 3D software, widey used for creating and editing 3D models, adding animation, effects and many more. Blender is evolving for last 30 years. A great tool for you if you buy general 3D models and then want to customize them quickly. Remember: Marvin XR has similar online 3D editor too.

Luma AI: